Just sold another book -- VOICES OF PEARL HARBOR. It will be illustrated by the award-winning artist, Layne Johnson. Release date will probably be late 2012.

1) VOICES OF THE DUST BOWL is now at the illustrators. It is scheduled for a late 2011 release at the moment.

2) VOICES OF GETTYYSBURG was named a winner of the Storytelling World Resource Award (category 3 - adolescents). It also has received some very nice reviews.



TEACHERS' GUIDES are now available for three of my books. I will be slowly adding more. If you have developed a Teacher's Guide for one of my books and would like to share it with others, please let me know and I will add it. Click here: Teachers' Guides

THE BUFFALO SOLDIER has been named a Notable Book by NCSS/CBC (National Council of Social Studies/Children's Book Council). It also received the Storytelling World Award (Honor) in Category 2 for pre-adolescent readers. It was a Texas Institute of Letters Award finalist and, lastly, it won the San Antonio
Conservation Society Award in the field of children's books.


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